Doctor Scientist / Octagon Control "Split" 7"

Doctor Scientist / Octagon Control "Split" 7"


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One million years ago, a doctor and a scientist had sex. Nine months later they gave birth to an ordinary baby. But this was no ordinary baby. Named "doctor scientist", this child was destined to one day change pop music forever. That day was yesterday. Doctor Scientist brings an extremely energetic synth sound with wailing and effected vocals from Philly. I really like the vocal style, serious, monotonous, and multi-layered robotic harmonies in the vein of Blank Dogs and simple melodies and rythyms that remind me alot of Baltimore's ABIKU. Backing them are Octoagon Control from Bellingham, WA who dish out two lethal mind trips of serisously wacked out snyth layered damamge. People into stuff like Factums, Blank Dogs, Human Eye, the Piranhas or Pink Reason will dig. Only 300 originally pressed, we scored a couple of the last copies in existence from the original pressing.